A safe and drug-free solution
Acupuncture is part of one of the oldest, evidence-based medical systems known to humankind. It has endured for more than 2000 years providing a safe and drug-free solution to many difficult issues.
Back pain, heel pain,
headache, and more.
Autoimmune, allergies, rashes, cold & flu.
Infertility, pregnancy, menses, menopause.
Stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia.
Respiratory, digestive, and emotional issues.
How it works
Acupuncture therapy focuses on a system of energy pathways throughout the body. When these pathways become blocked, dysfunction and disease occur. Acupuncture unblocks them.
It is a medicine for people who are interested in the secrets of the human body that cannot yet be seen and measured.
A blend of evidence-based therapies
Using our years of experience treating a diverse group of individuals and conditions, we blend a variety of longstanding, evidence-based therapies - including acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, herbal medicine, qigong, and more - to create an effective recipe for healing each unique person.
Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Fine needles (often as thin as a human hair) are inserted gently into the body at precise locations shown to be effective in the treatment of specific health conditions. These locations may also be stimulated by an herbal warming therapy called moxibustion. The WHO recognizes acupuncture for over 40 common ailments.
Cupping is performed by creating suction on the body with rounded glass cups to relieve tension and pain and stimulate acupuncture points. Other complimentary hands-on techniques include traditional tuina massage, guasha scraping, and acupressure.
Cupping & Manual Therapies
Herbal Medicine & Food Therapy
We use over 300 herbs with a wide range of medicinal properties including analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing, antiviral, glucose regulating, cardio-protective, and many more. Herbs and food are much gentler on the human body than most drugs, but they are effective medicines with few (if any) side effects.
The Way
Perhaps the greatest tool in our medicine chest is the tome of insights into Nature’s laws and rhythms that acupuncture's medicine holds at its center. This wisdom acts as a guide in developing healthful, natural, and reparative life practices that not only heal disease and prevent illness but also enhance our innate ability to thrive. At Turtle Tree, we believe this is the real medicine, and we hope to share it with you.
Lifting Houses: Our Tribe
Making a healthy change can be a disagreeable act. It requires challenging the status quo and changing our own, deeply-ingrained habits. That can feel like trying to lift a house when you do it all alone.
Think about a mom with gluten intolerance whose family eats bread in front of her for every meal. Or a teen with major depression who's forced to sit in front of a computer screen for twelve hours a day for virtual learning. How are they expected to succeed?
It takes a family to eat healthy. A community to keep our kids safe. A tribe to lift whole houses off the ground.
When you join Turtle Tree, you inherit a tribe. If you wish, it can be an irreplaceable source of knowledge, support, strength, and well-being. Together, we intend to lift houses.